Digital Marketing in Fashion: 6 Ideas to Market Your Fashion Brand

Digital marketing can help you boost your fashion brand’s presence and sales, as well as improve your brand awareness.

If done the right way, it helps you put your products in front of your ideal audience. That way, they will be aware of your brand, buy your products, and ultimately become loyal brand advocates. 

But the fashion market these days is already crowded. How can you ensure that you stand out from the rest of the pack? Here are six effective ideas to market your fashion brand:

Collaborate with Influencers

For you to reach your ideal audience, work closely with a popular fashion influencer who has a strong social media following.

Chances are, they already built their reputation online and their opinions are highly respected by their followers. 

Influencers will have a significant impact on your brand if you let them review, mention, and wear your products. You can work with them to craft content around your campaign or come up with beautiful images of your product. Their influence over their followers allows you to get excellent engagement and sales. 

It usually depends on your collaboration. They will be sharing your content on their blog and social media channels. Moreover, you will also have the opportunity to share the content that they produce.

Working closely with influencers will work to your advantage. You are putting out your brand to a new audience. Also, if you choose the right influencer, you will be gaining new clients, and influencers could also be creating content for you.

Take Advantage of Hashtags

In its most basic form, hashtags are titles, words, and phrases that help send out a powerful message. It helps you boost your engagement, attract followers in a particular niche, categorize your posts, and strengthen your brand image. 

So, take a look at the hashtags used by your competition and other personal profiles to get inspiration. That will help you get an idea on how to create better hashtags for your brand. 

Several social media apps allow you to search for hashtags. Also, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter give the most relatable and popular hashtags. 

It is also crucial that you narrow down on more specific and smaller volume hashtags. For instance, if a user searches for the terms #fashion, they will come across hundreds and thousands of photos from a variety of vendors. However, if they search for #boutiquefashionstyle, then they are more likely to engage with a business.

In addition, you should always keep the Hashtag Etiquette in mind.

Retarget Your Facebook Audiences

A lot of people are not willing to buy after seeing your ad or visiting your website. However, with retargeting, you can effectively target the same group of people who are thinking about buying your products via reminder ads. 

To retarget your site visitors, you will need to build Custom Audiences on Facebook Insights, and then target Lookalike Audience to expand your reach. 

If they still do not purchase after a week, you may choose to give them a discount so that they can take action. 

Moreover, retargeting people who have abandoned their shopping carts are a fantastic way to generate sales and improve your e-commerce conversion

Remind People About the Items in Their Carts

People add stuff to their shopping carts all the time and then forget about them. How do you remind them that they still have items in their carts? 

Well, you can send an email. Send them at regular intervals ‒ during the next day, week, or the next couple of months ‒ with a discount code that encourages them to buy. 

For you to send these reminder emails, web visitors will need to have an account. Ensure that it is easy for them to create accounts on your site. 

Run Contests and Giveaways

If you have a popular item in your store, run contests, and giveaways on social media. For instance, you can ask a follower to comment on your photo and tag three of their friends in order to qualify for the raffle. 

You can use these giveaways to be a regular feature in your brand. You can give out a new item at the start of each month. Running campaigns like these will help you boost your followers and brand awareness among users. 

Create Loyalty Rewards

Create loyalty rewards by sending your customers a birthday card along with a coupon code. 

You can also send a snail mail from time to time, letting your customers know about your latest debut of your clothing line or an upcoming sale by the end of the month. 

You might be surprised, but a lot of people these days love getting stuff from the mail. It also shows that you are taking a step outside of the digital world. Over time, this boosts brand awareness and loyalty. 

To track your offline activities, including a code that is only available to the people who received the letter. 

For a more integrated campaign, your offline and online channels should go hand in hand. Also, ensure that brand message resonated with the audience. 

Over to You

When done right, digital marketing is a great and fun way to boost your brand awareness campaign and sales. Keep in mind, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy here. 

You will soon find out that these strategies boost sales, promote brand awareness, and fosters a community of like-minded individuals. The more that you leverage them, the stronger your strategy will be.