Tips To Correct A Child ConstructivelyPosted by On

child constructivity

Sometimes it is difficult to remain calm with children. Daily obligations, work worries and lack of time do not help either, so it is usual that when the little ones do something wrong, the parents unload all the accumulated stress on them.

However, this is not the best way to educate children, who may end up becoming shy, insecure and with low self-esteem or, on the contrary, may develop aggressive and challenging behaviors. The key is to discipline them constructively all the tips are given below and you can check the online easy quiz questions to teach your children.

How to discipline with love and intelligence?

  1. Choose the right time

One of the most important factors when scolding a child is choosing the right time. Ideally, you discipline yourself right after the action or behavior you want to correct, for example, immediately after the little one has hit his younger brother.

In this way, you will be able to associate scolding with what has happened and understand what you have done wrong.

  1. Don’t scare him:

Infusing him with fear will make him obey you and be more disciplined, but it will not teach him to discern between good and evil, nor will it stimulate his emotional development, much less strengthen the trust he must place in you.

  1. Make him notice the consequences of his actions:

Scolding the child because he has angered his behavior is not the best way to educate him. It is important that the child is fully aware of what he has done and that he understands the consequences of his actions.

To achieve this you must explain that each behavior has an impact and that sometimes this is negative and can harm other people

  1. Never compare your behavior:

Sometimes parents often compare their children to their siblings, cousins, or friends while scolding them. In most cases they do it unconsciously, trying to give them a positive example to follow.

However, the truth is that these types of comparisons are often disastrous for the little one: they affect their self-esteem, damage their self-worth and make them feel that they are not good enough

  1. Avoid name-calling and yelling:

No one likes to be yelled at or insulted much less a child. Keep in mind that the little one does not yet have enough emotional resources, making him more sensitive to criticism.

At this age, she is unable to understand that sometimes when adults get angry they can yell at them without meaning that they have stopped loving them

  1. Always be consistent:

Another golden rule for constructively scolding a child is to stick to the rules at all times. It won’t help if you scold him one day because he mistreats your pet and the next day you allow him to.

In order for the scolding to be constructive, it is important that you maintain a consistent attitude at all times and that you scold him whenever he repeats the behavior you intend to eradicate

  1. Listen carefully:

When your child has done something wrong and you are angry, it is difficult to control your emotions and listen to what he has to say, but if you want the scolding to be really constructive it is important that you give him the opportunity to explain himself.


Child Constructively

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